Built Environment leArning for Climate adaptation
BEACON (Built Environment leArning for Climate adaptation) is a collaborative research project co-funded by EU Erasmus+ programme. This three-year research initiative aims to develop trans-disciplinary and innovative research-based learning in the built environment to tackle climate change in coastal regions.
The effects of the climate change will have devastating effects on the vulnerable coastal built environment as it has the ability of inundating the existing built environment due to direct threats to properties, infrastructures, coastal industries, coastal and marine ecosystems. Furthermore, coastal areas are known to highly populated due to urban centres being located near the coastal belts further increases the predicament. In light of this there is a vital necessity to develop tangible climate adaptation measures in the coastal built environments. However, there is a significant knowledge gap in relation to effective responses and adaptation measures to climate change impacts within the built environment as a whole as well as the construction and property industries. In addressing this it is essential to upgrade the knowledge and skills of the built environment professionals as they will be lead roles in this climate change adaptation process. In light of this the project aims to develop trans-disciplinary and innovative research-based learning in the built environment to tackle climate change in coastal regions and the following objectives have been set out.
- To identify climate change impact on the built environment in coastal regions
- To develop a coherent framework for integrating the requirements of the Paris Agreement with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 (SFDRR) in the context of the impact of climate change on the built environment in coastal regions’
- To recognise the opportunities for climate adaptation in the coastal built environment in line with the coherent framework
- To understand skills gaps in climate adaptation in the built environment to tackle climate change in coastal regions.
- To develop a trans-disciplinary and innovative research-based learning to improve competencies in climate change adaptation in the built environment in coastal regions.